Rendering a Drupal 8 Link with Anchor and Destination
I’m working on a site that contains several complicated views (many exposed filters). The views render entities using a couple different view modes. These view modes use Display Suite. Within these view modes I’ve leveraged DS custom fields for several needs.I needed to render a node “Edit” link within some of these view modes. The user would click the edit link, edit the node, then click “Save”. The system would then bring the user to the exact position of the page they were on before, filters and settings intact.This type of solution would work without Display Suite (leveraging other methods). You’re getting a DS-based example because that’s what the site called for.In my particular case I needed to separate the anchor from the edit link. If you’re okay having them in the same place you could skip Step 1 and just include the anchor within the markup for the edit link. -
Adding Entity Wrapper Class from Field Value using Display Suite
NOTICE: This works fine in Drupal 7. For Drupal 8 please note: https://www.drupal.org/node/2863420
This may not work with paragraph bundles (because you don’t have a Token view mode). Maybe there’s a way, but I don’t have time to mess with it.
Sometimes as a developer you need to provide your Drupal authors with the ability to choose different variations of a particular content object. For example, imagine you have a Callout paragraph bundle and you want the author to choose between a Dark or a Light colorscheme; if the user chooses Light, the font colors appear dark over a light background. To achieve this you need a dark or light class on the entity wrapper based on whichever the author chose; this would let you write CSS to target each color scheme. Using Display Suite this is an easy problem to solve and doesn’t require any preprocess code or other hand-coded solution.
This solution requires Token and Display Suite. You will need to enable the ui modules from these, as well as ds_extras to give you the CSS class functionality.
Quickly Implement a Block as a Paragraph in Drupal 7
Disclaimer: As with most tasks in Drupal, there are several ways to do this. My goal here was to see how quickly it could be done without writing code and without introducing unnecessary complexity.
Goal — quickly implement a newsletter listing (using Views) that can be dropped into any paragraph field and can have a unique title per use.
The output would be a simple block from Views. We already use Display Suite, so naturally we use a DS-centric approach.