• Development

    Quickly Protecting a Few Nodes from Deletion in Drupal 8

    I’m working on a Drupal 8 site with some critical pages for which we do not want to allow deletion. The homepage, for example, is a basic page; we do not want to allow anyone (even UID #1) to delete this page. If there comes a time where UID #1 decides they need to, they’ll have to update this simple code to support that. We need not make it any more complicated than that for this particular project.

    Here’s a solution that:

    • shows nothing but an error on the “Delete” form for specific nodes (works for all users)
    • prevents deletion by any means (works for all users except UID #1)
      • why except UID #1? because hook_node_access doesn’t run for this user
  • Development

    Adding Fields to Inline Entity Form Table

    Inline Entity Form is a useful module for reference entities and being able to edit them in place.

    Here’s what the edit form looks like out of the box for an unlimited value entity reference:

    Default output

    Often it’s helpful to provide additional information to your editors.

    If you have a look at inline_entity_form.module you will find a function called theme_inline_entity_form_entity_table(). Within this you will see how this table is built, and how you can manipulate the form to add additional columns of information.

  • Development

    Appending Language to Menu Items in Menu Admin (Drupal 7)

    If you are working with a Drupal 7 menu that contains menu items across multiple languages it is a little cumbersome to see them all on the same screen. Right now we have all of the translations in place (3 nodes per piece of content), but we haven’t translated the titles yet. It’s very hard to see which items will appear for which languages. Imagine if we add 75 more menu items!
