Help Text for Link Field Columns
The Link module is the gold standard for adding link fields to a Drupal site. Here’s what the link field looks like with the default help text:
Variable Types for Use in hook_rules_event_info()
There is plenty of documentation out there explaining how to create custom rules events. What I had a tough time finding was a list of the variable types that are available for elements reacting on this event. I had seen examples of “text” and “user” but I really wanted to know what all of the types are.
Keyboard Maestro URL Handler (KMLink) – Introduction and Basic Usage
Keyboard Maestro offers many ways to trigger macros, but unfortunately there isn’t a URL handler that lets you trigger macros via a URL. There are a number of keyboardmaestro:// URLs handled by the built-in url scheme, but executing a macro isn’t an option. If you’re interested in triggering macros via bookmarklets and Finder shortcuts, read on…
I’ve written a URL handler that allows you to execute macros and pass variables to them. It’s a simple app that registers a URL handler to process kmlink:// links.