Using “php artisan serve” with xdebug and PHPStorm
This is more of a person note for myself. This posts assumes some knowledge of php, Laravel, artisan, Homebrew, and xdebug.
I’ve been using php artisan serve to serve Laravel applications locally. It’s quick and it works well.
It’s probably not a great solution if you’re working with other people on a project, or if you want to implement a good CD/CI workflow. Having said that, it’s what I’m using today, so I figured I’d document how I got xdebug working with it (on my Mac).
Using Carbon to Generate Random Dates and Times
There are a number of ways to generate random dates/times in PHP. Here are some examples using the Carbon library:
1234567891011// Between now and 180 days agoCarbon::today()->subDays(rand(0, 180))> 2021-09-02 00:00:00> 2021-06-23 00:00:00> 2021-05-23 00:00:00// Between now and 180 days ago with random timeCarbon::today()->subDays(rand(0, 179))->addSeconds(rand(0, 86400));> 2021-06-11 22:35:03> 2021-10-24 13:19:53> 2021-06-09 20:47:44 -
Adding a Global Function to Cypress for a Date {num} Months Ago
I’m working on a COVID-19 booster shot registration form. On this form I ask the user when they received their last COVID-19 vaccine shot. This is three simple fields (the month values are 01, 02, 03, etc.):
Each vaccine brand (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J) has different eligibility criteria as it relates to the time since the individual received their original vaccine series. Pfizer, for example, is 6 months. My form needs to reject a user who says they received Pfizer less than 6 months ago.
Using Cypress I wanted some test coverage of this functionality. Original I had hard-coded a date value of 5 months ago:
123cy.get('select[name="datelastvax_month"]').select('08');cy.get('select[name="datelastvax_day"]').select('01');cy.get('select[name="datelastvax_year"]').select('2021');As you can imagine this would work well for a while. Fast-forward a few months from now… the time ago will eventually be more than 6 months ago. I don’t want to have to keep updating this code with a recent date. The obvious solution is to dynamically choose the dates based on the current date. A global helper function would be ideal as I need to use this in many tests. Here’s a simple solution:
Step 1: Define the Function in index.js
TheĀ support/index.js file is loaded before each Cypress run. Creating a global function here is a quick way to introduce a reusable piece of code.
12345678910111213141516171819202122/*** Returns a simple object for {num} months ago, containing YYYY, MM, DD.** @param {number} num* Number of months to subtract from current date.** @return object* Object containing three properties (year:YYYY, month:MM, day:DD)*/cy.getDateMonthsAgo = (num) => {const dateObj = new Date(new Date().getFullYear(),new Date().getMonth() - num,new Date().getDate());return {year: dateObj.getFullYear().toString(),month: ('0' + (dateObj.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2),day: ('0' + dateObj.getDate()).slice(-2),}}There are many solutions to handle getting a date from {num} months ago. If you start looking around for “What is a month, really?” you will find many different opinions. The code I’m using above responds like most humans do: give the same day of the month from {num} months ago. With a {num} of 5 (five months ago), on October 25, 2021 the result would be May 25, 2021.
WARNING: Please note the following:
12345new Date(2021, 1, 28) ==> February 28, 2021new Date(2021, 1, 29) ==> March 1, 2021new Date(2021, 1, 30) ==> March 2, 2021new Date(2021, 1, 31) ==> March 3, 2021new Date(2021, 1, 32) ==> March 4, 2021Step 2: Use the Function
1234const fiveMonthsAgo = cy.getDateMonthsAgo(5);cy.get('select[name="datelastvax_month"]').select(fiveMonthsAgo.month);cy.get('select[name="datelastvax_day"]').select(fiveMonthsAgo.day);cy.get('select[name="datelastvax_year"]').select(fiveMonthsAgo.year);