• Development

    Adding Fields to Inline Entity Form Table

    Inline Entity Form is a useful module for reference entities and being able to edit them in place.

    Here’s what the edit form looks like out of the box for an unlimited value entity reference:

    Default output

    Often it’s helpful to provide additional information to your editors.

    If you have a look at inline_entity_form.module you will find a function called theme_inline_entity_form_entity_table(). Within this you will see how this table is built, and how you can manipulate the form to add additional columns of information.

  • Development

    Using the Messenger Service Instead of drupal_set_message in Drupal 8

    As you may know, drupal_set_message()  is deprecated in Drupal 8.5.0.

    Here’s a quick example of using dependency injection to use the new Messenger service:




  • Development,  Tech Tips

    Automatically Put Files Into a YYYY/MM Directory Structure