Easy Dummy Text using Python Faker and Keyboard Maestro
Yet again I’ve found a great use for Keyboard Maestro. I’m a web developer and often have to create “filler” or “dummy” text during development. In the past I’ve used Alfred workflows, copy-and-paste, browser extensions, and more. I’ve recently come up with a much cleaner (and more powerful) solution to achieving field-by-field or one-off dummy text.
What do I mean by field-by-field and one-off? Well, I use tools sometimes to automate filling an entire form repeatedly (Fake, Selenium, iMacros, etc.). I’ve even written a Selenium extension to inject random text into the fields Selenium is automatically filling. Unfortunately, this all takes time. Sometimes I just need to fill some fields in a form a few times and move on. It’s not worth automating at that point. Enter Keyboard Maestro.