• Development

    Add Javascript to a Specific Page

    There are several ways to add javascript code to a page in Drupal. The method outlined below involves a modification to your theme’s template.php file. You’ll be editing (and un-commenting if necessary) your theme’s preprocess_page function. This basically lets you modify the variables that are available in your page.tpl.php file(s).

    In the example below, I’ve checked if the page’s “is_front” property is true. You can use anything available in the $vars variable within the function. I suggest using the devel module to determine what variables are available. This can be done with: dpm($vars);


  • Development

    Adding a Custom Token to the Ubercart (before version 2.3) Email Templates

    This tutorial is for Ubercart versions earlier than version 2.3. There is a newer version of this example for Ubercart 2.3 or later.

    In this post I’ll show how to set up an extra token for use in an Ubercart template. This will require creating a custom module (because we don’t really want to modify others’ modules). We’ll use a few different hooks to create the token, and then simply modify the template to include this token. This setup requires the token module (which is required by Ubercart), so make sure this is enabled!

  • Development

    Creating a Module (D6)

    This example shows how to create a custom module for a site. We typically create one custom catch-all module that we can use for one-off site customizations where we don’t need to create a unique module. If they are general site tweaks that cannot go in template.php, we put them here. Please read the book Pro Drupal Development for a much better understanding of how all of this (and everything else Drupal) works! DrupalBook.com. It is an amazing reference tool for daily usage, as well as a complete walk-through of how to take advantage of the power of Drupal.

  • Development

    Introduction to FirePHP

    FirePHP is a great tool for debugging PHP, and maintaining some level of control over your error handling. Also, it’s a great tool for getting information about your variables, objects, etc. while your PHP code is executing. FirePHP requires only a small amount of setup and can be reused time and time again without tedious setups for each site on your server. This tutorial/example requires Firefox and Firebug, and FirePHP.

  • Development

    Changing the Title of a Node Add/Edit Page

    The following example shows one way of changing the title on add/edit pages for a specified content type. We’ll accomplish this using hook_form_alter() in a custom module.

    I suggest using the devel module dpm() function, or just php print-ing the $form_id variable at the top of your hook_form_alter() function. This will tell you which form_id you need to target in your conditional.

  • Development

    Adding a Custom Token to the Ubercart (version 2.3 or newer) Email Templates

    This tutorial is for Ubercart versions later than version 2.3. If you’re using an older version of Ubercart, you’ll want to see this example. This example is very similar, but accommodates the changes made to the template system in Ubercart.

    In this post I’ll show how to set up an extra token for use in an Ubercart template. This will require creating a custom module (because we don’t really want to modify others’ modules). We’ll use a few different hooks to create the token, and then modify the template (or create a new template) to include this token. This setup requires the token module (which is required by Ubercart), so make sure this is enabled!