Drupal 7 – Commerce Migration Class
Here’s a migration class I’ve been working on to import 8200 products. The biggest feature of this code is that it will automatically create a single product display node that groups all products who share the same “grouping identifier.” So, in my CSV import file I have a “grouping_identifier” column. If a product is available in ten colors, and they all share the same grouping identifier, a single product display will be created and each of these products will be referenced in it. This will result in a product on the frontend that allows ten different color choices. I don’t have the time right now to explain anything more… please leave a comment if you have a question.
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name = "Migrate MIVA" description = "Module to migrate MIVA products to Drupal Commerce" package = "Development" core = 7.x dependencies[] = migrate dependencies[] = migrate_extras dependencies[] = field dependencies[] = file dependencies[] = image dependencies[] = number dependencies[] = text dependencies[] = options dependencies[] = taxonomy dependencies[] = commerce_migrate dependencies[] = commerce_product dependencies[] = commerce_product_ui # Migrate classes files[] = miva_migration.module files[] = products.inc |
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/** * Implemenation of hook_migrate_api(). */ function miva_migration_migrate_api() { $api = array( 'api' => 2, ); return $api; } |
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/** * @file * Commerce Product migration. */ class MivaProductMigration extends Migration { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->description = t('Import products from Miva (via a custom csv).'); $this->source = new MigrateSourceCSV(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'miva_migration') . '/import/csv/all_products.csv', array(), array('header_rows' => 1)); $this->destination = new MigrateDestinationEntityAPI('commerce_product', 'product'); // Create a map object for tracking the relationships between source rows $this->map = new MigrateSQLMap($this->machineName, array( 'product_sku' => array( 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 100, 'not null' => TRUE, 'description' => 'Product SKU', 'alias' => 'sku', ), ), MigrateDestinationEntityAPI::getKeySchema('commerce_product', 'product') ); // Field defaults (no values in CSV) $this->addFieldMapping('uid')->defaultValue(0); // Field mappings $this->addFieldMapping('status', 'status')->defaultValue(1); $this->addFieldMapping('sku', 'product_sku'); $this->addFieldMapping('commerce_price', 'price_amount'); $this->addFieldMapping('title', 'title'); $this->addFieldMapping('type')->defaultValue('product'); $this->addFieldMapping('field_product_code', 'product_code'); $this->addFieldMapping('field_taxable', 'taxable'); $this->addFieldMapping('field_supplier_sku', 'supplier_sku'); $this->addFieldMapping('field_actual_cost', 'actual_cost'); $this->addFieldMapping('field_upc', 'upc'); $this->addFieldMapping('field_msrp', 'msrp_amount'); $this->addFieldMapping('field_description', 'body_html'); $this->addFieldMapping('field_description:format')->defaultValue('full_html'); $weight_field_arg = MigrateCommercePhysicalWeightFieldHandler::arguments('lb'); $this->addFieldMapping('field_weight', 'weight')->defaultValue(1)->arguments($weight_field_arg); // Field should look like: black_yellow|Black/Yellow $this->addFieldMapping('field_color', 'color_options')->callbacks(array($this, 'getOptionKey')); // Field should look like: 130mm|130mm $this->addFieldMapping('field_size', 'size_options')->callbacks(array($this, 'getOptionKey')); // Field should look like: hard|Hard $this->addFieldMapping('field_misc_options', 'misc_options')->callbacks(array($this, 'getOptionKey')); // Taxonomy fields $this->addFieldMapping('field_tags', 'tags')->separator('||'); $this->addFieldMapping('field_year', 'year')->separator('||'); $this->addFieldMapping('field_brand', 'brand')->separator('||'); // image_path will look like media/from_adams_script/2012_Swix_U60.jpg $this->addFieldMapping('field_image', 'image_path'); $this->addFieldMapping('field_image:file_replace')->defaultValue(FILE_EXISTS_RENAME); $this->addFieldMapping('field_image:source_dir') ->defaultValue(drupal_get_path('module', 'miva_migration') . '/import'); $this->addFieldMapping('field_image:alt', 'title'); $this->addFieldMapping('field_image:title', 'title'); // Fields from CSV to ignore $this->addUnmigratedSources(array( 'ski_type', 'product_tags', 'grouping_title', 'grouping_identifier', 'image_filenames', ), t('Do Not Migrate')); // Fields in the Product entity to ignore $this->addUnmigratedDestinations(array( 'created', 'changed', 'creator', 'commerce_stock', 'path', 'field_product_code:format', 'field_product_code:language', 'field_brand:source_type', 'field_brand:create_term', 'field_supplier_stock', 'field_supplier_sku:format', 'field_supplier_sku:language', 'field_upc:format', 'field_upc:language', 'field_tags:source_type', 'field_tags:create_term', 'field_description:summary', 'field_description:language', 'field_image:file_class', 'field_image:language', 'field_image:destination_dir', 'field_image:destination_file', 'field_image:preserve_files', 'field_additional_images', 'field_additional_images:file_class', 'field_additional_images:language', 'field_additional_images:destination_dir', 'field_additional_images:destination_file', 'field_additional_images:file_replace', 'field_additional_images:preserve_files', 'field_additional_images:source_dir', 'field_additional_images:alt', 'field_additional_images:title', ), t('Do Not Migrate')); } public function complete($entity, stdClass $row) { if (!$row->grouping_identifier) { return; } $product_id = $entity->product_id; $grouping_id = $row->grouping_identifier; // Check if there is a product display with this grouping identifier $result = db_query('SELECT node.nid AS nid FROM {node} node LEFT JOIN {field_data_field_grouping_identifier} grouping_identifier ON node.nid = grouping_identifier.entity_id WHERE (grouping_identifier.field_grouping_identifier_value = :grouping_id AND node.type = :type)', array( ':grouping_id' => $grouping_id, ':type' => 'product_display')); if ($result->rowCount() == 0) { // No product displays exist. Create one. $this->createProductDisplayEntity($grouping_id, $product_id, $row); } else { // A product display node already exists foreach ($result as $node) { $this->addAnotherProductToDisplay($node->nid, $product_id, $row); } } } /** * Creates a product display node with a specific product referenced */ protected function createProductDisplayEntity($grouping_id, $product_id, $row) { $node = entity_create('node', array('type' => 'product_display')); $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('node', $node); $wrapper->field_grouping_identifier = $grouping_id; $wrapper->field_product_reference = array($product_id); $wrapper->field_individual_colors = explode('||', strtolower($row->individual_colors)); $wrapper->field_gender = explode('||', strtolower($row->gender)); $wrapper->status = $row->status; $wrapper->field_brand = reset($this->getMatchingTids(2, $row->brand)); $tags = $this->getMatchingTids(4, $row->tags); if (count($tags) > 0) { $wrapper->field_tags = $tags; } // Same for every product in group $wrapper->title = $row->grouping_title; $wrapper->field_year = $row->year; $wrapper->save(); // Domains field doesn't seem to have property_info hooks for // entity_metadata_wrapper, so adding via normal node_save $node = $wrapper->value(); // Domain Access information NOW available (after saving the node) // Set the domain visibility based on first product in this group // Domain visibility is set on Product Display node, so no need to // do anything in addAnotherProductToDisplay $node->domains = $this->getMatchingDomains($row->domains); // Default value must ALWAYS be set $default_domain_id = domain_default_id(); if (!array_key_exists($default_domain_id, $node->domains)) { $node->domains[$default_domain_id] = $default_domain_id; } node_save($node); } /** * Adds another product to an existing product display node */ protected function addAnotherProductToDisplay($display_node_id, $product_id, $row) { $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('node', $display_node_id); if ($wrapper->status->value() == 0) { // Only modify the status if it's not currently "published" // because if even one product in this display is published, // we want the whole product display to be published $wrapper->status = $row->status; } // This product's reference $all_product_ids = array(); foreach($wrapper->field_product_reference as $product) { $all_product_ids[] = $product->value()->product_id; } if (!in_array($product_id, $all_product_ids)) { $all_product_ids[] = $product_id; } $wrapper->field_product_reference = $all_product_ids; // This product's tags $all_tags = $this->getMatchingTids(4, $row->tags); foreach($wrapper->field_tags as $tag) { // Store each tid the node already has $all_tags[] = $tag->value()->tid; } if (count($all_tags) > 0) { $wrapper->field_tags = array_unique($all_tags); } // This product's individual colors $all_colors = array(); foreach($wrapper->field_individual_colors as $color) { $all_colors[] = $color->value(); } $wrapper->field_individual_colors = array_unique(array_merge($all_colors, explode('||', strtolower($row->individual_colors)))); // This product's gender $all_genders = array(); foreach($wrapper->field_gender as $gender) { $all_genders[] = $gender->value(); } $wrapper->field_gender = array_unique(array_merge($all_genders, explode('||', strtolower($row->gender)))); $wrapper->save(); } /** * Returns the "key" from a Drupal option (key|value) * * @param $value * A key|value pair string * * @return * The key part of the string (before the pipe) */ protected function getOptionKey($value) { $arr = explode('|', $value); return array_shift(array_values($arr)); } /** * Returns an array of term ids from the Product Tags vocab * * @param $vid * The vocabulary id from which you want matching terms * @param $term_names * A list of term names in the form: Term 1||Term 2||Term 3 * * @return * Array of tids */ function getMatchingTids($vid, $term_names) { $terms = array(); foreach(taxonomy_get_tree($vid) as $term) { $terms[$term->tid] = $term->name; } $matches = array(); foreach(explode('||', $term_names) as $term) { $matches[] = array_search($term, $terms); } return array_unique($matches); } /** * Get the "Domains" array for the domains passed in the domains field * * @param $domain_ids * A list of domain machine names OR ids. (from Domain Access) * e.g., domainx||domainy OR 1||2 * * @return * Array of Domains where keys = domain ID and values = domain ID */ function getMatchingDomains($domain_ids) { $domains = array(); foreach (explode('||', $domain_ids) as $domain_id) { if ($domain = domain_load($domain_id)) { $domains[$domain['domain_id']] = $domain['domain_id']; } if ($domain = domain_machine_name_load($domain_id)) { $domains[$domain['domain_id']] = $domain['domain_id']; } } return $domains; } } /** * Physical Weight field handler * @see <a href="http://drupal.org/node/1626578#comment-6188036">http://drupal.org/node/1626578#comment-6188036</a> */ class MigrateCommercePhysicalWeightFieldHandler extends MigrateFieldHandler { public function __construct() { $this->registerTypes(array('physical_weight')); } static function arguments($unit = NULL) { $arguments = array(); if (!is_null($unit)) { $arguments['unit'] = $unit; } return $arguments; } public function prepare($entity, array $field_info, array $instance, array $values) { $migration = Migration::currentMigration(); $arguments = (isset($values['arguments']))? $values['arguments']: array(); $language = $this->getFieldLanguage($entity, $field_info, $arguments); // Setup the standard Field API array for saving. $delta = 0; foreach ($values as $value) { $unit = isset($arguments['unit']) ? $arguments['unit'] : 'lb'; $return[$language][$delta]['weight'] = $value; $return[$language][$delta]['unit'] = $unit; $delta++; } if (!isset($return)) { $return = NULL; } return $return; } } |
One Comment
I know this is an old post, but do you happen to have the all_products.csv file you used for this?
Just learning commerce migrate and trying to get a decent working example.