• Development

    Patch for Drupal 8.7.14 SA-CORE-2020-004, SA-CORE-2020-005, and SA-CORE-2020-006

    I have a site that’s temporarily stuck on 8.7.14; it’s not worth the risk to update to 8.8.8 right now.

    I was able to diff 8.8.7 and 8.8.8 to figure out what changes were made for these security announcements:

    I could then compare the changes with 8.7.14 to create the patch below, which applies against 8.7.14 without any issues.

    DISCLAIMER: The formal recommendation is to update to 8.8.8 if at all possible. Use the patch below at your own risk.


  • Development

    Storing First and Last Name with Social API for Drupal 8

    I recently worked on a project that relied on Social API for Google, Facebook, and Yahoo authentication. Out of the box everything worked great. Our site stores the user’s first name and last name in two fields on the user entity: field_first_nameĀ  and field_last_name. There are a few ways to tap into the Social API authentication process (which comes from the Social Auth component).

    Originally we leveraged the SocialAuthEvents::USER_CREATED event in an event subscriber. We set the first name and last name, then re-saved the user. This, however, executes after the user is created. The issue we had was that we also have Salesforce integration and both name fields are required in Salesforce. When the user is first saved it was pushing to Salesforce without the name fields, which triggered an error.

    The solution was to implement a different event handler: SocialAuthEvents::USER_FIELDS

    This lets you manipulate the user fields before the user is saved. I poked through the Social Auth code and figured out how to get the first and last name values. Here’s the working solution:



    After creating/updating the files above, just clear the caches and test.

  • Development

    Overriding “Required Message” on Composite Fields in Webform (Drupal 8)

    The more commonly used fields in Webform (text, radios, etc.) offer the ability to set a custom Required message string. This is the text that shows in the error message when a required field is not filled.

    Here’s what that screen looks like when you’re configuring a field on the Build screen:

    Required message

    There are several element types that do not provide a UI field to set this Required message value. The composite Name and Advanced Address field are two examples I encountered. For these fields you have to dig a little deeper, but it’s easy once you get the hang of it. Visit the Advanced tab for the field, then scroll to the bottom where you’ll see a Custom Settings fieldset.

  • Development

    Snippet: MySQL table sizes ordered by largest to smallest (in MB and Row Count)

    Show All Tables By Size in MB


    Show All Tables By Size in MB (if > 1 MB)


    Show All Tables By Number of Rows


  • Development

    Using Drupal 8 Persistent Login Module on Platform.sh

    The Persistent Login module relies an extra cookie to maintain a Drupal user’s session. The configuration screen for this module lets you specify a prefix for the cookie. The default is “PL”. If you are using the site on HTTPS, the module prepends an “S” to the cookie it creates. Here’s an example cookie name: SPLfa0650d6d985433d455a3b15cc70fd9bĀ .
    Platform.sh lets you configure cookie cache settings via routes.yamlĀ .
    If you’re using Persistent Login you must tell the system not to ignore this cookie.
    Here’s a standard (and simple) routes.yamlĀ  file on a Drupal 8 site:
    Here’s a modified version which allows Persistent Login to work correctly:


    There is a bit more discussion around how these cookies are handled here: https://www.drupal.org/node/2898065/discuss

  • Development,  Tech Tips

    Switch Audio Input/Output Device using Alfred

    My top two must-have Mac apps are Keyboard Maestro and Alfred. If you know me, you’ve likely heard me say this, ad nauseum. I use these two apps countless times each day. Often I use them to run command line scripts via hotkey. This is one such implementation.

    Recently I picked up a Jabra Evolve 65 headset. I keep it connected to my Mac via USB. Also, I have some speakers hooked up via the external speaker jack. You can only send output to one of these devices at a time (speakers OR headset). I desired a way to quick-switch between the two. I chose to use Alfred for this.

    The steps below show how to create some quick switchers like this:

    Alfred sound switchers

    Switch to speakers

    Requirements and Initial Setup

  • Development

    Overriding a Webform Confirmation Message in Drupal 8

    There are a few reasons you may need to override a webform confirmation:

    • Out of the box webform doesn’t allow you to add some tags (e.g., <button>) to a webform confirmation message. When you save it strips them out.
    • What if you needed to alter the webform message based on the values submitted in the webform?
    • What if you needed to alter the webform message based on where the user saw the webform?
    • etc…

    Thankfully, you can use a standard preprocess hook to override the confirmation output.

    In this particular example I needed to override the output of the message to include a button tag. I needed this to only happen if specific GET params had specific values.

    First, I modified the confirmation message settings as shown here:

  • Development

    Using Lazy Builders and Auto Placeholders in Drupal 8


    I’ve been working on a site that features a lot of user-specific customization and output. The site offers workshops (courses) using the Opigno LMS for Drupal 8. The workshops are rendered in a few different ways throughout the site. For the most part, the rendered workshops appear the same for all users. Here’s an example of a “card” view mode for a workshop:

    If a user has successfully completed a workshop, a special badge will appear on the card view mode. Also, the card will be highlighted:

    There are two parts of the workshop card template that have to change based on the user viewing the card:

  • Development

    NightwatchJS Command to Repeat a Keystroke

    Here’s a simple custom command that lets you repeat a specific key (single or combo) N number of times.

    In the Drupal world you want to place this in your “Commands” directory (as defined in DRUPAL_NIGHTWATCH_SEARCH_DIRECTORY in web/core/.env).

    You’d want to change “sitename” to be your site’s name (so it feels namespaced).



    Using this in /tests/Nightwatch/Tests/misc.js with a 1000ms pause between each keystroke:

  • Development

    Monitoring Which Element Has Focus in a Web Browser

    While building accessibility-minded websites, it’s useful to be able to monitor which element has focus in your browser.

    Using a screen reader works well, but there may be an easier solution for those who aren’t used to screen readers.

    Chrome makes this pretty simple. See https://developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-devtools/accessibility/focus.

    In Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and other browsers I’m able to achieve similar functionality (maybe evenĀ better) by running a simple snippet in the web developer tools console.

    New lines appear as you move through the elements with your keyboard (or mouse).

    You may want to turn this into a one-liner for easier pasting.

    Output in Firefox: