Automatically Change Links from Absolute to Relative
In this example I’m showing one way to quickly convert all a href and img src paths from absolute to relative. It’s quite a time saver, but I suggest committing your latest changes before trying anything here! If you aren’t using a version control system, make a backup somewhere… please! Note: Both of these commands are one-liners.
1234567#BSD Version (Mac):find . -path './.git' -prune -o -type f -exec sed -i '' -E "s/(href|src) *= *([\"'])(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?mysite\.(org|com)\//\1=\2\//g" {} \;#GNU Version:find . -path './.git' -prune -o -type f -exec sed -i -r "s/(href|src) *= *([\"'])(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?mysite\.(org|com)\//\1=\2\//g" {} \;#You may consider using {} +; instead of {} \;In the examples/results below, I tried to target most situations. You should see subtle differences between each example.
1234567891011121314151617181920212223-<a href="https://www.mysite.org/basic_skills">This is another link</a>+<a href="/basic_skills">This is another link</a>-<a href="https://www.mysite.org/basic_skills">This is another link</a>+<a href="/basic_skills">This is another link</a>-<a href="http://www.mysite.org/basic_skills">This is another link</a>+<a href="/basic_skills">This is another link</a>-<a href="http://mysite.org/basic_skills">This is another link</a>+<a href="/basic_skills">This is another link</a>-<a href="www.mysite.org/basic_skills">This link points to http://www.mysite.org/basic_skills</a>+<a href="/basic_skills">This link points to http://www.mysite.org/basic_skills</a>-<a href="mysite.org/basic_skills">This is another link</a>+<a href="/basic_skills">This is another link</a>-<a href="http://www.mysite.com/basic_skills">This is the last link</a>+<a href="/basic_skills">This is the last link</a>-<img src="https://www.mysite.org/testing123.jpg">+<img src="/testing123.jpg">