Valet+ Quickstart for Drupal Development
Here’s a file that I’ve developed over time. It explains how I setup and use Valet+ for quick and powerful Drupal development.
Sorry for the formatting. I’ll get markdown support on my blog sometime…
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# Initial Valet Setup Follow official install guide at # Installation The following procedure is what it took to get Valet+ installed correctly on my Macbook. I had issues with MySQL not starting. # Install Valet brew update brew tap henkrehorst/php brew install valet-php@7.2 brew install composer brew link --overwrite composer brew install php@7.1 composer global require weprovide/valet-plus vim ~/.bash_profile valet fix valet install # Link an app cd ~/valet/mysite/docroot/ valet link mysite valet restart # Create a database valet db create mysite (COMMAND FAILED; MYSQL NOT RUNNING?) valet stop # Fix MySQL brew uninstall mysql brew uninstall mysql@5.7 brew cleanup rm -rf /usr/local/var/mysql rm /usr/local/etc/my.cnf brew install mysql@5.7 brew link --force mysql@5.7 brew services start mysql@5.7 valet fix valet install # Create a database valet start valet db create mysite # SUCCESS! ---- Tips: - Make a folder to store your sites `mkdir ~/valet` - Do not `valet park`. See notes below. # Site Setup (serving from ~/valet/[sitename]/docroot) 1. Create site directory via `mkdir ~/valet/mysite` 2. Move into it via `cd mysite` 3. Use rsync/git/composer/whatever to acquire your site files -- e.g., `git clone .` 4. Move into docroot via `cd docroot` 5. Tell valet to serve a site from this folder via `valet link mysite` 6. Browse to `http://mysite.test` -- if you get a DB error, that's okay for now. 7. Create a new database via `valet db create mysite`. If this fails, see top of this doc! 8. Existing site? Import the data with `valet db import ~/db_snapshots/mysite.sql.gz mysite` 9. Update the db credentials in `sites/default/settings.local.php` -- database=mysite, username=root, password=root 10. Browse to `http://mysite.test` -- hopefully it _just works_ ---- # Explanation of Serving Sites from Docroot/Web Subdirectories Don't `valet park` in this `~/valet` directory. You can do it somewhere else if you need auto-folder-to-domain functionality where you create a folder and it results in having `http://folder.test` available immediately. For this `~/valet` directory we have sites that have `/docroot` subdirectories containing the actual site files, so instead of `park`, use `valet link [sitename]` from the docroot directory. This will create symlinks in `~/.valet/Sites` which will be accessible at `http://sitename.test` ---- # Other Tips - RTFM! Valet does some amazing things. Read the docs to learn about xdebug, logging sharing, redis, mailhog, etc. - `valet links` to view current links - `valet unlink [sitename]` to remove a link - `valet use 5.6` to change php version (5.6 7.0 7.1 7.2) - Edit `~/.valet/config.json` to set domain suffix (`.test` is default) (`valet restart` after) - Edit `~/.valet/Drivers/` to setup new drivers (shouldn't need to) (`valet restart` after maybe?) - `valet share` to share your site over the internet Hit CTRL-C to stop sharing - You may not have a `$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']` value. Until I have time to look into this, I'm just setting that at the top of my Drupal `settings.local.php` file. ``` // Manually set because Valet+ doesn't, for some reason $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = '/Users/adam/valet/mysite/docroot'; ``` - Install and enable memcached with: `brew install php71-memcached && valet restart` - Configure php with ini files at, for example, `/usr/local/etc/php/7.1/php.ini` - To generate nginx file specific to site you can: - Generate config file by securing the site: `valet secure mysite` - Copy the nginx config code in the resulting nginx file at `~/.valet/Nginx/mysite.test` - Stop here if you want to keep SSL... otherwise: - Use `valet unsecure mysite` to remove SSL (if you don't want the site served over 443) - Re-create `~/.valet/Nginx/mysite.test` with the copied code - Rework config file to serve port 80 without any SSL certs attached - To fix `upstream sent too big header while reading response header from upstream` error: - Add these lines to your `~/.valet/Nginx/mysite.test`: - `fastcgi_buffers 16 16k;` - `fastcgi_buffer_size 32k;` - NOTE: Add these to the `location ~ \.php$ {` section if you have a full nginx conf file - To fix `504 Gateway Timeout` error: - Add these lines to your `~/.valet/Nginx/mysite.test`: - `fastcgi_buffers 16 16k;` - `fastcgi_buffer_size 32k;` - `fastcgi_read_timeout 180;` - NOTE: Add these to the `location ~ \.php$ {` section if you have a full nginx conf file ---- # Links Valet+ Docs Parking and Linking |